Move Out / Move In Cleaning


Maid Liz Moving Clean

Relocating involves a multitude of tasks – packing, unpacking, dealing with utilities, enrolling kids in new schools, and the list goes on. We’re here to make your life easier by offering comprehensive move-in and move-out cleaning services, taking a significant load off your plate.

With our move-in and move-out cleaning services, transitioning between homes becomes smoother, leaving you with the peace of mind to focus on the countless other facets of your move.

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What’s included with a moving cleaning?

Move-in / Move-out
All Rooms
High dusting to remove all cobwebs included
Baseboards, windowsills and trim wiped down included
Light fixtures and ceiling fans dusted and wiped down included
Wipe down visible light fixtures and receptacles included
Doors dusted and wipe down front and back included
Dust and wipe down visible vents included
High dust, wipe down shelving and floors included
Clean windows panel of french door included
Walls dusted included
Interior of sliding glass door cleaned included
Mirrors cleaned  included
Trash removed (Excessive amount - fee will apply) included
All flooring – Swept, mopped and/or vacuumed included
Move-in / Move-out
Sinks scrubbed and sanitized included
Cabinets interior/exterior clean and kickboards wiped down included
Microwave interior and exterior cleaned included
Detailed cleaning of stovetop grates/drip pans included
Countertops and backsplash wiped down included
Appliances fronts wipe down and shine included
Inside of dishwasher cleaned and sanitized included
Garbage disposal cleaned and sanitized included
Move-in / Move-out
Shower, tub, toilet and sink scrubbed and sanitized included
Countertops and backsplash wiped down. included
Cabinets interior/exterior wiped down. included
Remove toilet seat and get under (for seats without screws). included
Shower head wipe. included
Mirrors and medicine cabinet wipe down. included
Fan dusted, wiped down by hand if reachable. included
Accessories wiped down (toilet, paper holder, towels, bar...etc). included
Move-in / Move-out
Laundry Room
High dust, wipe down washer, dryer and floors. included
Stairs vucummed and mop included

The Highlights

  • The home should be empty
  • It's like a deep clean, but we clean inside cabinets and drawers
  • Cleaning inside ovens is extra
  • Cleaning inside fridges is extra